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Recommended books for aspiring lawyers

Lawyer’s Handbook: 101 Things They Don’t Teach in Law School

That said, the title speaks for itself! Definitely one of the best books for young/new lawyers, The New Lawyer’s Handbook offers 101 important things you need to know to succeed in this sector . Written by Karen Talaker, the textbook offers practical, expert advice on how to become a better lawyer, focusing on all the things you won’t learn in class.

Offering advice on everything from relationships with clients and colleagues to how to maintain a work-life balance, this guide will give aspiring lawyers all the knowledge they need to succeed.

The Tools of Argumentation: how the best lawyers think, argue, and win

Another of Joel Trachtman’s bestsellers, “The Tools of Argumentation: How the Best Lawyers Think, Argue, and Win” offers insight into how lawyers can discipline themselves to better argue their cases.

Trachtman’s analytical text is one of the best books for young/new lawyers, designed to test and develop your thinking skills, expand your legal knowledge, and boost your confidence–all the things that will help you start winning arguments both in and out of court.

The Lawyers of Tomorrow: Getting to Know Your Future

In Tomorrow’s Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future, Professor Richard Susskind delves into the future of the legal profession . This book, intended for lawyers and partners who want to modernize their approach to the law, predicts how the legal profession will evolve as technology and society change.

Susskind has created a survival guide to the rapidly changing legal sector , examining the reasons for this shift from virtual courts to online legal enterprises, as well as ways to introduce innovative concepts. Ultimately, this is one of the best books for young/new lawyers, revealing to lawyers of all ages and experience how they can build a career within today’s legal landscape.

The Happy Lawyer: a good life in the law.
We all know that lawyers aren’t always happy, but this insightful book by Nancy Levitt and Doug Linder examines in detail why. In “The Happy Lawyer: Establishing a Life in the Law,” the pair explore the root causes of lawyer dissatisfaction , before offering insightful suggestions for solutions .

They reveal a list of law schools dedicated to your long-term happiness, tell aspiring lawyers what work can enhance their well-being, and provide experienced lawyers with a step-by-step guide to improving their career satisfaction.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

“The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” is one of the best books for lawyers in 2019-an inspiring choice. Written by former attorney Robin Sharma, who left his thriving career as a litigator at age 25, the novel tells the story of Julian Mantle, who embarks on a journey to find joy and balance .

Based on Sharma’s own real-life adventures and knowledge, this beautiful and inspiring book will make you rethink your career path . Sharma wants you to follow your calling, value the time you spend with loved ones, and strengthen relationships. The tale also includes a step-by-step guide on how to live a balanced, courageous and joyful life, even while working in the legal field!

The Lawyer, the Lion, and the Laundromat: Three Hours to Find Calm in Chaos

The book “The Lawyer, the Lion, and the Laundromat: Three Hours to Find Calm in Chaos,” available in September 2019, will be a real gift for many lawyers! The book’s author, Jamie Jackson Spannhake, was a successful lawyer and busy mother, skillfully balancing all her responsibilities and enjoying her social life. But instead of being happy, she was exhausted and depressed.

In her new book, Spannhake explains how she came to the realization that time management alone is not enough for a happy lifestyle . She shares with her readers how she used mind management to enjoy life the way she wanted to. With many conclusions for busy professionals, this book will help you find peace of mind and contentment both in and out of the office!
